
Slogan by Renpei Nagashima, Founder
The history of Nagashima Medical Instruments Co., Ltd. can be dated back to 1910 when Nagashima Shoten was established in Hongo, Tokyo by the founding president, Renpei Nagashima as a manufacturer and seller of medical instruments for otorhinolaryngologists. In those days, there were only a handful of companies in Japan which made and sold otorhinolaryngological(ENT) instruments. Since then, Nagashima Medical has dedicated itself to the development of medicine in Japan for more than 100 years with the slogan ‘We shall respond to the requirements of broader medical fields to contribute to the welfare of human beings.’ With the recent remarkable advancement of medicine,
we are supplying more than 5,000 types of medical instruments. More recently, our development activities extend to a new field of electronic and optical devices for medical use. Our products are also exported and we enjoy a high assessment by overseas users and are known to the world as ‘Nagashima, the manufacturer of otorhinolaryngological(ENT) instruments.’
With the advancement of information technology and the graying of society, requirements of our customers these days are been diversified and heightened. Under such circumstances, we are determined to further contribute to the medical field in a comprehensive manner with the keyword of developing products that are ‘safe’, ‘Quality’ and easy to use.
Yoshiakira Hirao
President and Representative Director